We request that you review the most recent details in Ergobaby 2017 Affiliate Guide in addition to the information below.
Program Name: Ergobaby.com
What is Ergobaby.com:
Founded in 2003, Ergobaby provides smart, ergonomic solutions that enable and encourage bonding between parents and babies.
What makes it special:
Ergobaby offers a broad range of award-winning baby carriers,swaddlers, nursing pillows, and related products that fit into families’ daily lives seamlessly, comfortably and safely.
Who loves it:
People who are ready for the parenting adventure with baby!
How to link back to Ergobaby.com and Get Referral Credit:
In order to track your sales it is vital that you use your affiliate link in all posts. Please CLICK HERE for instructions on how to generate your unique tracking link.
How to pull offer banners, logos and other creative:
Please CLICK HERE for instructions on how to view creative images.
Promo Codes:
It is important to include a promo code (where applicable) in all of your posts. This will not only provide more value to your readers, but also encourage purchases through your tracking links.
Tags & Social Media Handles:
All posts should include the following:
Double check
- Instagram: @ergobaby
- Facebook: facebook.com/ergobaby
- Twitter: twitter.com/ergobaby
- Pinterest: pinterest.com/ergobaby
- All: #Ergobaby #LoveCarriesOn
Using Keywords in your post will help your SEO and rankings, as well as help drive more traffic to your site. Keywords should be used in your title and page header, as well as the first 2 sentences.Be very careful not to over stuff keywords, particularly if you write shorter posts. Suggested keywords to include:
- Ergobaby
Baby Carrier
- Baby carrier
- Best baby carrier
- newborn baby carrier
Baby Carrier Facing Out
- forward facing baby carrier
- best front facing baby carrier
- best forward facing baby carrier
Nursing Pillow
Content Ideas
We want to hear your stories of how you incorporate the Ergobaby products into your new life as a parent. Share how Ergobaby fits into your lifestyle in new and fresh ways that inspire confident and balanced parenting! Mama’s got this!
Baby Carrier:
- How has babywearing supported you as a parent?
- Getting out with baby…share places you take baby.
- Benefits of babywearing
- Bonding with baby
- Being hands free to chase an older sibling
- Language development
- Less crying
- Make-up tutorials for mom
- Working out with babywearing (yoga and low-impact!)
- Babywearing at work
- Night-time sleep rituals
- Generational stories (ie, I sing a song to baby at night that my grandma sang to me…)
Nursing Pillow:
- What support do you have as a parent on your breastfeeding journey?
- How has having a supportive family helped you reach your breastfeeding goals?
Instagram/ Facebook Post Guidelines:
- At least 1 Instagram post
- Tag @ergobaby and #ergobaby #LoveCarriesOn
- Be as authentic as possible!
- Suggested posts include:
- Style at least one head-to-toe look
- One detail shot
- If using products, @ergobaby needs to be tagged in the photo where the items are shown prominently
- Suggested post themes:
- Hiking (carrier)
- Low-impact workouts like yoga, etc (baby carrier)
- Shopping (carrier)
- Cooking (safe prep only, NO open flame, carrier)
- Back carry (carrier)
- Famers’ Market (back carry is great for this!)
- Household chores (laundry, etc, but always bend at KNEES not at waist when wearing baby!)
- Traveling (baby carrier can’t be worn on plane for take-off and landing, but carrier is great for getting through the airport!)
- Running after toddler while wearing baby
- Nursing with nursing pillow
- Night-time rituals with Swaddler
- Going from 1 to 2 kids
- If promoting in an Instagram Story, the story must be accompanied by a traditional Instagram post that doesn’t expire
- FTC disclosure: reference that the piece was gifted or that you partnered with Ergobaby. You can review the full requirements here: https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/ftcs-endorsement-guides-what-people-are-asking
YouTube Video Guidelines & Facebook Live:
- Ergobaby must be prominently featured in the first :30 of the video
- There should be no other brands mentioned in the video
- The following must be included at the very top of your video description (not below “read more”)
- Custom tracking link to Ergobaby.com
- Promo Code
- Within your video description please disclose that the video was in collaboration with the brand, and that all opinions are your own
- Discuss Ergobaby brand itself and the products you are featuring
- Must mention the URL of where to shop: www.Ergobaby.com or “use my link and promo code below”
Blog Tips:
- Add an image to your sidebar: You can put an image, or an ad, for the brand in your sidebar for readers to click as they scroll through your blog. Note: This is a very passive strategy for monetizing and may not yield the best results.
- Include search-friendly URLs: This goes back to the point about keywords. Using keywords in your URL helps search engines find you quicker. Note: Avoid using “a” or “the” in your URLs.
- Include image description: Use ALT tags to enable search engines to figure out what your images are about. Include captions for all of your images, along with descriptive texts surrounding the image.
- Vary your content: It’s easier to rank a video, so try creating different types of content to gauge reader engagement.
- Include keywords in social media: Your keyword strategy is just as important when sharing posts across your social channels.
Additional References
Please note that the FTC requires certain language posted on your website if you are receiving a gift or item to promote, or if you are being compensated in any way by the advertiser.
How should I disclose that I was given something for my endorsement? Is there special wording I have to use to make the disclosure?
No- just give readers the essential information. A simple disclosure like “Company X gave me this product to try . . . .” will usually be effective.
Do I have to hire a lawyer to help me write a disclosure?
No- what matters is effective communication, not legalese. A disclosure like “Company X sent me [name of product] to try, and I think it’s great” gives your readers the information they need. Or, at the start of a short video, you might say, “Some of the products I’m going to use in this video were sent to me by their manufacturers.” That gives the necessary heads-up to your viewers.
Are you saying that I need to list the details of everything I get from a company for reviewing a product?
No- as long as your audience knows the nature of your relationship, that will suffice. Whether you received $50 or $1,000, you could simply say you were “paid.” (That wouldn’t be enough, however, if you’re an employee or co-owner.)
For more information, please be sure to visit the FTC website: https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/ftcs-endorsement-guides-what-people-are-asking